All posts tagged "lemon"
Elixir Wanted | September 3, 2018
Importance of Lemon to Our Body
Lemons are quite acidic to the taste but when they enter the body they become alkaline in nature...
Elixir Wanted | July 19, 2016
5 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux, That Work!
(Elixir Wanted) Acid reflux is one of common problems these days. According to the statistics, almost every person...
Elixir Wanted | April 27, 2016
How To Treat Shingles Naturally-Recipe!
As you already know, shingles belong to a group of extremely painful issue. What’s common for them is...
Elixir Wanted | February 16, 2016
Alkaline Water Kills Cancer – This Is How To Prepare It !?
What is Alkaline Water? The Ph scale goes between 0...
Elixir Wanted | November 17, 2015
Make A Golden Mixture – The Strongest Antibiotic And Anti-Cancer Remedy!
We are happy to present you the healthiest mixture in...